센토스 5.5를 설치하고 WOL 기능을 사용하고자 구글링등을 통해 해보았지만

결국 shutdown -h now 하고 나서 보면

skge eth0: disable… 라는 메세지가 나오면서 되지 않습니다.


이것도 넣어보고

rc.local 에도 ethtool -s eth0 wol g 넣어 놓았습니다.

레드햇 계열은 WOL이 안되게 되있다고 하는거 같던데 혹시 방법을 알고 계신 분 있으신가요.

고수님들의 가르침 바람니다. ㅠㅠ

논란의 소지가 있을것 같아 보드에서 내장랜으로 WOL 되는것은 윈도우 설치후 확인하였습니다. CMOS 설정도 했구요..

centos 종료시 이더넷을 disable 하는 부분이 있어 적용되지 않는것 같습니다.

혹 방법이 없다면 WOL 가능한 리눅스 알려주세요. 웹서버, 디비서버 등으로 스터디용으로 사용할 생각입니다.


jhoonee의 아바타

레드햇 사이트에 관련 내용이 있네요.

저도 시스템 2대에 centos 5.5 설치하고서는 WOL이 되지 않았었는데,
- centos 4.5 에서는 "ethtool -s eth0 wol g" 로 잘 사용하고 있었습니다 -
찾아보니 레드햇 기술문서에 내용이 있네요.

델 PC에서는 해보니 잘 되네요.
(HP 서버에서는 안 되는데.. xen kernel도 아닌데 왜 안 될까요..)

https://access.redhat.com/kb/docs/DOC-33077 -> 계정이 있어야 볼 수 있어서 퍼왔는데, 그래도 되는지 모르겠네요..

Wake On LAN may not work with Xen hosts in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Article ID: 33077 - Created on: Apr 28, 2010 2:20 PM - Last Modified: Jun 1, 2010 3:59 AM

WOL [Wake On LAN] does not work after Xen kernel shutdown.
After configuring a Xen-based host system to wake up when a "magic packet" is received, the system may not restart when the magic packet is sent.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Xen virtual machine management

The workaround is to add the following line to /etc/rc.d/init.d/xend:
/etc/xen/scripts/network-bridge stop
before the line:
/usr/sbin/xend stop
This assumes that xend is configured to use the network-bridge script to configure the network devices for use with xen guests. If you use another script (such as network-bridge-bonding), then issue the appropriate command to de-configure the bridge before xend shuts down.

Warning: De-configuring the Xen network bridge will cause the system to stop functioning if the root file system is located on a network file system (NFS, iSCSI, etc.)

Root Cause
Adding a network device to a bridge can make it incapable of responding to the Wake-On-LAN (WOL) magic packet. Shutting down the Xen bridge before halting the system allows the network device to respond to WOL packets, but will also temporarily disrupt network communication through the network devices connected to the Xen bridge. When network communication is disrupted, connections to network-based file systems such as NFS or iSCSI will be lost. If the root file system is on such a network-based file system, then the system will stop functioning properly when network communications are disrupted as a result of the Xen bridge shut-down process.

Diagnostic Steps
Configure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5) Xen Host (Dom0) to enable WOL on the physical network device. This can be done temporarily by issuing a command similar to the following:
ethtool -s eth0 wol g
or made permanent by adding a line to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 similar to the following:
and then rebooting the system.
Shut down the system
From another system, send a WOL magic packet to the system that was just shut down. The shut-down system will not re-start.

CentOS Wake On Lan 기능 활성화

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