I just started using gpg-agent for the first time on OS X. Coming from my familiarity with ssh-agent and ssh-add, there were some surprises.


If you use Homebrew, it's easy:

$ brew install gpg-agent

But note, there is no man page (here is one I found online), and for the gpg-preset-passphrase tool there is no man page I could find at all (other than this document).


The reason I started investigating this is so I could do batch encryption and decryption from a within a shell script.


Here the command I want to run is something like:

$ gpg -a -q --batch --no-tty --yes -r win@wincent.com -o $FILE.encrypted -e $FILE

Encryption is done with the public key, so you don't need to enter a passphrase, but I was nevertheless getting derailed by a prompt:

It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
in the user ID.  If you *really* know what you are doing,
you may answer the next question with yes.

I believe the cause is that my key pair was generated on another machine, and when I switched machines, it lost its trust settings. They can be restored (to "ultimate" trust) with:

$ gpg --edit-key win@wincent.com

and then entering trust at the prompt, entering and confirming the desired trust level (5) and then issuing a quit.


Decryption requires the private key, so to avoid entering a passphrase repeatedly, I wanted to use gpg-agent.

Specifically, the kind of command I wanted to run was like:

$ gpg -q --yes --batch --no-tty --use-agent -o $OUTFILE -d $INFILE

Note the --use-agent switch which instructs gpg to try and use gpg-agent.

To make this work, we either need to do:

$ eval $(gpg-agent --daemon --allow-preset-passphrase)


$ eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)

(Which requires us to add allow-preset-passphrase in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf.

This all works without the allow-preset-passphrase stuff, but the gpg-agent is configured to remember passphrases for only 600 seconds, unlike ssh-agent. It is possible to increase that time span with the --default-cache-ttl and --max-cache-ttl settings, but if you want to make it permanent you need to use the gpg-preset-passphrase tool.

This is where it gets tricky. As I said above, there is no man page. Furthermore, the tool is not installed in your $PATH by default, but can be found at /usr/local/opt/gpg-agent/libexec/gpg-preset-passphrase when installed via Homebrew.

Finally, you need a KEYGRIP, which this mailing list post informs us is actually the fingerprint of the key, and not just the fingerprint, but the subkey fingerprint, which you can display with the arcane gpg --fingerprint --fingerprint command.

$ KEYGRIP=$(gpg --fingerprint --fingerprint win@wincent.com | grep fingerprint | tail -1 | cut -d= -f2 | sed -e 's/ //g')
$ /usr/local/opt/gpg-agent/libexec/gpg-preset-passphrase --preset $KEYGRIP

That "remembers" passphrase for the given key. Note that whatever you type into standard in will be echoed directly to the screen without obfuscation, so be careful.

You can get the agent to "forget" the passphrase with:

$ /usr/local/opt/gpg-agent/libexec/gpg-preset-passphrase --forget $KEYGRIP

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