ESXi 호스트 cli에서 디스크의 smart 정보 확인하기


Disk 리스트 확인

[root@localhost:~]  esxcli storage core device list | grep '  Display Name:' | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1


위 디스크 중 한개의 Disk만 smart 정보 확인

[root@localhost:~] esxcli storage core device smart get -d t10.ATA_____TOSHIBA_DT01ACA100_________________________________24KRJUXNS
Parameter                     Value  Threshold  Worst
----------------------------  -----  ---------  -----
Health Status                 OK     N/A        N/A
Media Wearout Indicator       N/A    N/A        N/A
Write Error Count             N/A    N/A        N/A
Read Error Count              100    16         100
Power-on Hours                96     0          96
Power Cycle Count             100    0          100
Reallocated Sector Count      100    5          100
Raw Read Error Rate           100    16         100
Drive Temperature             187    0          187
Driver Rated Max Temperature  N/A    N/A        N/A
Write Sectors TOT Count       N/A    N/A        N/A
Read Sectors TOT Count        N/A    N/A        N/A
Initial Bad Block Count       N/A    N/A        N/A

--> 정상 Disk로 확인됨


전체 Disk의 smart 정보 확인하기

esxcli storage core device list | grep '  Display Name:' | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | while read DISK
   echo "********** $DISK **********"
   esxcli storage core device smart get -d $DISK


비정상 Disk일 경우 아래와 같이 출력

********** t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K **********
Parameter                     Value              Threshold  Worst
----------------------------  -----------------  ---------  -----
Health Status                 IMPENDING FAILURE  N/A        N/A   --> Value 값이 OK가 아님. 문제 있음.
Media Wearout Indicator       N/A                N/A        N/A
Write Error Count             N/A                N/A        N/A
Read Error Count              116                6          100
Power-on Hours                24                 0          24
Power Cycle Count             100                20         100
Reallocated Sector Count      1                  36         1
Raw Read Error Rate           116                6          100
Drive Temperature             35                 0          59
Driver Rated Max Temperature  65                 45         41
Write Sectors TOT Count       100                0          253
Read Sectors TOT Count        100                0          253
Initial Bad Block Count       N/A                N/A        N/A

위 디스크는 아래와 같이 커널 메시지가 발생했음.

2019-07-31T16:15:11.303Z cpu2:2097176)ScsiDeviceIO: 3449: Cmd(0x459a40c91640) 0x28, CmdSN 0x1 from world 0 to dev "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x4 0x44 0x0.
2019-07-31T16:15:11.303Z cpu3:2100652)Vol3: 1205: Couldn't read volume header from t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K:1: I/O error
2019-07-31T16:15:11.386Z cpu2:2097176)ScsiDeviceIO: 3449: Cmd(0x459a40da1440) 0x28, CmdSN 0x21c2 from world 0 to dev "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x4 0x44 0x0.
2019-07-31T16:15:11.386Z cpu3:2100652)Partition: 430: Failed read for "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K": I/O error
2019-07-31T16:15:11.386Z cpu3:2100652)Partition: 1108: Failed to read protective mbr on "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K" : I/O error
2019-07-31T16:15:11.386Z cpu3:2100652)WARNING: Partition: 1261: Partition table read from device t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K failed: I/O error
2019-07-31T16:15:11.469Z cpu2:2097176)ScsiDeviceIO: 3449: Cmd(0x459a40da1440) 0x28, CmdSN 0x1 from world 0 to dev "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x4 0x44 0x0.
2019-07-31T16:15:11.469Z cpu3:2100652)Vol3: 1205: Couldn't read volume header from t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K:1: I/O error
2019-07-31T16:15:11.552Z cpu0:2097174)ScsiDeviceIO: 3449: Cmd(0x459a40d5fe00) 0x28, CmdSN 0x21c7 from world 0 to dev "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x4 0x44 0x0.
2019-07-31T16:15:11.552Z cpu3:2100652)Partition: 430: Failed read for "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K": I/O error
2019-07-31T16:15:11.552Z cpu3:2100652)Partition: 1108: Failed to read protective mbr on "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K" : I/O error
2019-07-31T16:15:11.552Z cpu3:2100652)WARNING: Partition: 1261: Partition table read from device t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K failed: I/O error
2019-07-31T16:15:11.636Z cpu0:2097174)ScsiDeviceIO: 3449: Cmd(0x459a40d5fe00) 0x28, CmdSN 0x1 from world 0 to dev "t10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K" failed H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x4 0x44 0x0.
2019-07-31T16:15:11.636Z cpu0:2100652)FSS: 6092: No FS driver claimed device 't10.ATA_____ST31500341AS________________________________________9VS25Z4K:1': No filesystem on the device


ESXi 6.7 Smartinfo

ESXi 6.7 Smartinfo”에 대한 1개의 생각

  • 2019년 12월 7일 10:02 오후

    VMware announced in May 2016 that the Legacy C# Client (aka thick client, desktop client, etc) will no longer be available with the vSphere 6.5 release. The Legacy C# Client connection to vCenter Server 6.5 or ESXi 6.5 host is untested and is not supported. (Reference Goodbye vSphere Client for Windows (C#) – Hello HTML5 )


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